Friday, October 30, 2009

It's Official

We have officially signed and documented our donation agreement with D.N.R. I f anyone has any questions please feel free to call Devin, Mike, Liz, Paul, Ronna or I. Thanks for everyones support and we will be sending letters with the information soon.


Thursday, October 15, 2009


Well as all of you know by now our club is knee deep in fundraising to help keep our most favorite snow parks open. This weekend presents a perfect oppurtunity to spread the word while at the WSSA Snow Show and swap meet at Puyallup, WA Fairgrounds "October 17th & 18th" please feel free to drop by and chat for a bit. VanAmburg Enterprises has been so kind to allow us to be with them at there booth to help spread the word and Mark Mauren from D.N.R. has voluntered his time to come and answer any questions that people may have regarding this issue. Not in my wildest dreams did I think taking on the presidents position for the Ski Benders that we would move so fast into a political arena such as this, especially during the times of economic hardships that are upon us. One thing i'm certain of is my confidence in our fellow snomobilers is strong with the unity and belief that we can adapt and overcome these obstacles, Although we may not like the situation and have voiced our opinions strongly we are being very proactive above and beyond the call of duty and want to thank everyone invoved for there efforts and support.
Also another contributor to our fund has been from the Apple Country Snomobile Club in Wenatchee, they have asked me to let everyone know they are having there own annual swap meet October 24th at the Fred Meyer parking lot in Wenatchee and to please come if you have an oppurtunity.
As for now i'll close and hope to see most of you in Puyallup this weekend,; if not i'll certainly update as soon as I return.

Monday, October 5, 2009

A quick update for everyone. As most of you have heard by now we are wrestling with Olympia and DNR once again to keep our snow parks open and trails groomed for this season and seasons to come. Please see Snow West, go to the Forum then to Riding Areas and click on Washington and Mr. Deckers statement of the meeting held a couple of weeks ago at the West Valley Fire Station will be at the top of the page. The possibility for closures of the Ahtanum, Rattlesnake, Lily Lake and Manastash Sno-Parks seem very real unless some action is taken and taken very soon. As of now there is no funding available to provide oversight "management" of the plowing and other managerial duties involved for these sno-parks due to a cut in funding to DNR and unless a resolve or help in funding "donations" can be obtained within the next 3 weeks we risk the possible closure of the parks, not to mention grooming funds for the season. At the moment we have started a collection campaign "fund raiser" to help initiate this funding, although we do not condone funding the government more than we already do, I do not see an alternative. We can deal with this further and by other means when our state legislature reconvenes. Although there are people that don't agree with what we are trying to do and has gone as far as calling us an impromptu group, I would have to disagree at this point. I personally feel we are doing the right thing to support our community by going forward with this fund raising drive and keeping the doors open. Everyone that is donating will be issued a receipt and the funds are put into a seperate account at US Bank for Ahtanum Fund 2009. All donations are tax deductible and should by chance we end up being refunded or not have to pay, all donations will be returned.
If you have more interest in this, please come to our meeting Tuesday October 6th at 6pm at the El Rincon on 40th and Fruitvale in Yakima.