Sunday, November 8, 2009

Article from Word Press- WA State Ear to the Ground 10-30-09

Snowmobilers help rescue winter recreation

By Ear to the Ground
Members of the Yakima Ski Benders meet with DNR staff to sign an agreement for winter recreation services. From left to right: Ronna Younie, Yakima Ski Benders (YSB); Mike Van Amburg, YSB; Devon Dekker, YSB vice-president; Carl Denton, YSB president; Robert Dengel, DNR; Mike Williams, DNR; and Paul Younie, YSB. Photo: Liz Van Amburg/YSB
Things were looking pretty bleak for snowmobilers who love to ride the dry winter powder on state trust lands near Yakima and Ellensburg.
Due to budget cuts earlier this year by the Legislature, DNR was planning to suspend its winter recreation program at five snow parks this season. Concerned about the possibility of not having access to their favorite winter recreation sites , the snowmobiling community decided to get proactive.
In a short few weeks, members of the Yakima Ski Benders collected the $25,000 necessary to keep the program alive.
Earlier today, members of the Ski Benders handed over a first-installment check of $10,000 to Mike Williams, DNR’s recreation program manager for the Southeast Region.
Carl Denton, president of the Yakima Ski Benders, said that nearly 120 people and businesses donated enough money to fund DNR’s management of the winter recreation program. Average donations were about $100, with some individuals and businesses contributing $1,000 or more.
All parties—snowmobilers and DNR staff—agree that resorting to collecting donations was not the ideal way to resolve the issue. But the effort demonstrates how a group of determined citizens worked together with DNR staff to find a short-term solution.
“We’re hoping we don’t have to this every year or biennium,” Denton says.
Instead, Denton and his group will be looking at new ways to fund winter recreation.
“I’m glad we could work together to get through this challenging time,” added Mike Williams, recreation program manager with DNR’s Southeast Region.
Thanks to the generous donations from the snowmobiling community, the following DNR-managed areas will open for winter recreation: Manashtash, southwest of Ellensburg; and Ahtanum Meadows, Ahtanum Guard Station, Rattlesnake, and Lily Lake, near Yakima.
Next step: Pray for snow!

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